Sunday, August 26, 2007

End of an Era

Ken’s Story
As a junior, Sam had a part in the spring high school play. He was Mr. DePinna in “You Can’t Take It With You.” The next year he played Mr. Lung in the musical “Flower Drum Song”.

In other activities Sam received a Superior Rating on a tuba solo at the district music contest, was a member of Quill and Scroll (the journalism honorary), copy editor for the Bulldog yearbook, and earned a Superior Rating in extemporaneous speaking at the district speech contest.

Sam’s Version
I have endeavored, as did the fictional Sycamore’s, to enjoy life and be peacefully amused by the world at our door, although I have yet to invite to dinner a refugee Russian ballet instructor. As for portraying a Chinese tailor in a musical, Mr. Falter had the good sense to not actually ask me to sing anything.

The tuba solo was an experience. Auburn had a very good reputation for music education. Every entry in the district music contest that spring, from the concert band to the jazz band on down to the smallest piccolo solo received a Superior Rating. I was the weak link in that chain. But much to the thanks of my accompanist, Ms. Anne Oestmann, my musical powers peaked on the morning of the district music contest. I had never before, nor ever since, played all of those notes on tone and in order.

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