Monday, April 26, 2010

Scene III. Peru, the Park.

[Enter Grutilda, Patience, Hope, and Virtue.]
Grutilda. Blank Darkness cast out and conjure up a
Black Demon. Come to me most powerful
portent. Enter with the witch’s knack to cast
a spell on Horatio, Duke of Nemaha.
The Sisters. Foot of frog and nose of newt, shopping bag 5
and toadstool soup. Powers of darkness come
to us. We brew withal what curse we must.
Toe of tadpole, dung of dragon, spot of
thistle, and little red wagon. Hearken
to our pleading call and give us means to 10
cast our pall.
Grutilda. ‘Tis done. Tomorrow at two the wife of
Nemaha shall fall ill. And it is I
only who is able to silence that
sickly shadow. But I shan’t. Unless the 15
Duke gratifies my graft, good Eduard
to the gallows goes accused of the
murder of his mother.
[Enter Parkerson and Praetoria.]
Dismiss, my dears. Mortals approach and may
perceive our diabolic deeds. 20
[Exeunt Grutilda and the Sisters.]
Parkerson. Our walk through this evening park shades more than
the hedge row and fence. Your sunny
face is now dark and sad. Your engagement
brings gloom? The Duke’s son is a fine young man.
Praetoria. Father, Eduard is the finest fellow 25
on the face of this fine earth. He is my
dearest friend and most noble acquaintance.
But our lives are not meant to be shared,
one for the other or the other for one.
Marriage between us is mutually unthinkable. 30
Parkerson. You and Eduard are thus agreed?
Praetoria. In unison our individual hearts
alike are quite decided that marriage
does not our friendship suit.
Parkerson. I do not, will not, believe any of 35
this talk. It is late, child. You are tired
and cannot think in a straight line. To bed
and dream upon it! In the morning you
will surely see the light of Duchess.
Praetoria. No, my father. Our minds are one, e’en if 40
our hearts are not. No light of fortunate
day will change them.
[Enter Normalizovitch and Debrushka.]
Parkerson. Hark! Someone approaches! Muggers!
Hasten home, Praetoria. We will discuss
this in the morning further. 45
[Exeunt Parkerson and Praetoria.]
Debrushka. The whole world rushes along as if demons
were about and among the populace.
Normalizovitch. When the moon is new and darkness fills the
sky, men are wary and do not venture
far from their homes. The lack of light has strange 50
affect on mortal souls.
Debrushka. Peasant eyes see only by day. I find
the night as pleasing as broad afternoon.
But yet no word from that Marcol character?
Does he not remember his pledge? 55
Normalizovitch. It has been just the one day, dear daughter.
These things demand patient time. Young Marcol
will keep his word.
[Enter Grutilda, Patience, Hope, and Virtue.]
Grutilda. Stupid mortals! Good grief, do men never
sleep? Strolling around at all hours. Hie home! 60
How can a good girl cast her charm with all
these tramps plodding around this park?
[Alarum and Smoke.]
The Sisters. The Spell is cast! The Spell is cast! Woe to
thee that cast not spell!

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