Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scene IV. Nemaha, the Palace, a garden.

[Enter Horatio and Eunomia.]
Eunomia. Raoul’s garden, good Duke, is a perfect
place, the natural habitat for those
who love a good romance. And so it is
that we do now announce in triplicate
these wedding plans. 5
[Enter Marcol and Cleonastra.]
Horatio. The clown and the maid.
[Enter Constantine and Praetoria.]
The scholar and the ranger’s young lady.
[Enter Eduard and Debrushka.]
Dukedom’s heir and tailor’s daughter.
What began as one is now at three.
How much more can we now happy be? 10
Good luck to all and so God bless
that which otherwise would have been a mess.
If elders had not been so disobeyed
would the love-light shining have never played
on these six souls today? Think it not cruel 15
that love reigns where parents cannot rule.
[Enter Raoul, Parkerson, Normalizovitch and Divers Servants.]
Enter now, friends and family, called to
witness what not man nor witch can ever
rend asunder. Profess now your ever
lawful pledge of love and fidelity. 20
Debrushka. I am at a loss but to love he who
loved me first.
Eduard. First, last, and forever, Debrushka,
I can love no other.
Praetoria. An oath, a vow, a promise, all to you, 25
my scholar and my gentleman.
Constantine. No poet laureate, no immortal
bard will ever match in words what
cries my heart in glad admittance of this
love supreme for you, Praetoria. 30
Cleonastra. I do. I do, Marcol, always, ever will, I do.
Marcol. Much I dos about nothing, good wife.
So come and smother me, sweet lady mine,
with your I dos until my lips fall off
and I can do no more. 35
Horatio. Done! Now take a bow, all here assembled.
Good night, good life, good love, to one and all.
[Exeunt all, save Eunomia.]
Eunomia. But, I wonder, what ever happened
to Aufenkamp and Aulterbach?

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