Saturday, December 04, 2010

Scene VI. Washington, D.C. The White House.

[Enter Richard.]
Richard. My fellow Americans, it is
difficult for me to face you tonight.
I…I…how can I say I’m sorry?
Through me this nation has been plunged to
the greatest depths of division since 5
the War of the Rebellion. I can only
say that I tried to stop it, to save
our country from the years of turmoil past.
But, in my misjudgment, the actions
I took only happened to inflame 10
the situation. I have had a meeting
with the leaders of our Legislative Branch.
They inform me that my base of support
in the Congress has eroded to the point
where I am no longer an effective 15
Chief Executive. It is my conclusion
that a ruler who cannot rule, should not rule.
Because I can no longer execute
the Powers of this Office, my
resignation will be upon the 20
desk of the Secretary of State at
tomorrow noon. I do this to heal the
nation’s wounds, to somehow bind up and start
again. For the Government these past few
months has slowed to a stop, spectators all, 25
to this ghastly affair which I conclude tonight.
[Enter Pat, Julie, and Tricia.]
‘Tis over, family. It’s all over.
Julie. Father, do no weep. Do not weep. Your
sorrow showed. It was clear to every eye
and ear that tonight the most noble man 30
on earth has done his duty.
Tricia. We are with you, father. No matter
what happens, we are a family,
used to accepting the troubles as they come.
We have weathered many storms, and tonight 35
we are at your side.
Pat. Come on to bed, Richard. There is nothing
left to do. All has been done, all has been
accomplished. There are no more heights, because
heaven is all around us. As it crumbles, 40
we, and the world, will remember forever
the righteous things you have accomplished.
Richard. I feel nothing. The jelly here within
my soul has been drained. No emotion sparks
my inner self. I am empty. There is 45
no contempt. No sorrow. No anger. No joy.
No regret. No relief. There is nothing.
[Exeunt Pat, Julie, and Tricia.]
Except a hatred that paints my black soul
and boils within me from my very toes.
A hatred of those evil men who plotted 50
my downfall and those that spread their vile words
across the face of America.
For the Press, I will not even delete
my expletives.

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